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Development of a global online network offering localised eLearning content and services in the fashion and clothing sector - eTELESTIA

Skills training in fashion and clothing is at present rather fragmented and lacking in terms of both academic and corporate training provision. The overall goal of eTELESTIA is to develop and market high quality e-learning products and services for the fashion industry.

It aims to do this by using the results of a previous project - off-line tools and a ‘virtual manufacturing process model’ - developed under the Leonardo da Vinci pilot scheme.

Based on the Telestia tools, eTELESTIA will provide, in six different languages, localised eLearning products and services to students, trainers, clothing companies and their employees in the fashion industry.


The operational goal of eTelestia is to re-engineer the Telestia offline training tools for online multilingual delivery. To achieve this, the following objectives will be pursued:

  • the re-design and re-engineering of the offline tools for online delivery and the online ‘virtual manufacturing process model’ for clothing
  • the localisation of the Telestia tools in 6 languages - Greek, English, German, French, Spanish and Norwegian
  • a prototype of a collaborative web network providing standardised & accredited online learning modules for corporate, educational and personal use
  • the provision of monitoring tools and support services for the environment in order to validate the functionality of the prototype
  • the evaluation of the learning effectiveness, the technical functionality and the quality and value of marketing approach.

Go to the eTELESTIA web site

Print  Project factsheet optimized for printing Last updated: 06.11.2002

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