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Balkan WordNet - BALKANET

BalkaNet project started in June 2001, as a result of its successful selection in the Fourth IST Call for proposals.


The project aims to develop a central multilingual lexical database with WordNets, along with a WordNet Management System, for a large set of Central and Eastern European languages. A cross-linking of the BalkaNet to the EuroWordNet semantic network will be attempted so as to extend it and make cross-language information retrieval efficient for the lesser studied Balkan languages. To summarise, the following outcomes are anticipated:

  • to investigate the less studied Balkan languages
  • to create the possibility to expand the EuroWordNet by adding to it WordNets built for the Balkan languages
  • to give access to the European community to new sources of information stemming from the Balkan languages that are not so widely studied
  • to facilitate access to information written in lesser studied languages
  • to create and strengthen ties with the academic and information technology communities in Balkan countries
  • to strengthen Balkan collaboration with EC member countries
  • to create a common large-scale linguistic resource.

Print  Project factsheet optimized for printing Last updated: 22.10.2001

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