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Balkan WordNet - BALKANET

The BalkaNet project's aim is to develop a multilingual database with WordNets for a set of Balkan languages, based on the model of the EuroWordNet project, a multilingual lexical database comprising of eight different European languages, semantically represented in it. As with the EuroWordNet project, BalkaNet will be structured around the notion of a synset - a set of synonymous word meanings, between which basic semantic relations are expressed.

The main goal of this project is therefore to develop a multilingual resource representing semantic relations among basic concepts of the following six Balkan languages: Greek, Turkish, Bulgarian, Romanian, Czech and Serbian.


BalkaNet aims at combining effectively Balkan lexicography and modern computation. The most ambitious feature of the project is its attempt to represent semantic relations and organize lexical information from Balkan languages in terms of word meanings.

The main objective is the development of the individual WordNets and their combination in a common lexical database. Moreover, BalkaNet aims not only at combining Balkan word-forms in an online dictionary but at the further expansion of the EuroWordNet concept by tracing and exploring the relationships among Romance and Balkan languages. Finally, one important goal of the BalkaNet is to promote the study of the lesser studied Balkan languages by creating a large-scale linguistic resource and developing a database for multi-lingual information retrieval, by expanding words in one language to words in other language(s).

Print  Project factsheet optimized for printing Last updated: 22.10.2001

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