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Summary Results Consortium Index

Preparatory Action for Linguistic Resources Organisation for Language Engineering - PAROLE

Many applications require, or can be enhanced by, written language resources such as lexica and corpora. For example, spelling and grammar checking, information retrieval, machine-aided translation and language learning. Such resources are required to provide the basic language competence of an application, either explicitly or through the training of statistical models, and in the development of evaluating platforms for assessing the performance of the application. These resources are expensive and time consuming to produce. Existing language resources follow proprietary standards, neglect the full range of European languages and are often small-scale and difficult to reuse across applications.

PAROLE has produced the linguistic resources required to support research and application development across Europe: quality resources for 14 European languages, produced in a uniform and reusable format.


The main objective of PAROLE was to produce corpora and lexical resources for each of the European languages. The project also contributed to a better level of standardisation of such resources thus enhancing commercial use of the resources produced. The project aimed to establish a firm basis for European IT vendors to produce language-enabled applications and information management tools.

Benefits & Users

The resources produced should:

  • shorten time to market and open new markets for application developers;
  • improve services provided by business and administration bodies;
  • provide support for easier content production;
  • facilitate the development of multilingual information access and management tools, and other applications such as language learning.

This will enable a multilingual information society providing European business with the opportunity of competing and communicating effectively across the globe, whilst retaining the benefits of language diversity in Europe.

The major users of PAROLE resources are:

  • developers and integrators of IT systems;
  • publishers;
  • documentation centres;
  • office staff (in typical office applications);
  • translators;
  • educational institutions;
  • research organisations.

Go to the PAROLE web site

Print  Project factsheet optimized for printing Last updated: 15.01.2001

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