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Translation tools: iLangua Announces TransMC Project Manager
iLangua's new tool suite, consisting of the Project Manager, Corporate Connector and Relationship Manager gives a language services company the chance to build tangible links to their clients and elevate their sales, thereby increasing revenue. They can also then stream-line the production process, thereby reducing costs.

The new release of the suite offers the components separately so that companies can pick and choose the parts that they need. It also adds significant flexibility in terms of the types and sizes of projects that can be undertaken. Pricing has also been structured to ensure that the suite is accessible to even the most hard-pressed budgets.

The 'Financials' module means that it takes only a few seconds to prepare a quotation or purchase order, whilst the 'CRM' module means that you can pro-actively work with your clients and suppliers. A new 'Workflow' engine allows you to schedule translation, proofing, editing, DTP, localisation and many other tasks, whilst the Relationship Manager keeps all your suppliers immediately to hand. The TransMC tools can be operated independently or linked directly into the client's intranet or e-procurement system.

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